GMS Mx key restricted “Do not duplicate” SERRURIER SHAY 514-836-9097

Gms mx key


Are you looking to cut gms key Mx 10 plug, cylinder or rim cylinder at serrurier shay locksmith we got our economic restricted keyway, GMS mx 10 key could only be duplicated by the original locksmith company. Few things you should know about that keyway.


– could not be duplicated at a hardware store

– uses regular pin

– choice between 5 pins and 6 pins

– key look like as high security thick key

– if mr james bond play with it low chances he could pick it.

– cost alot less them medeco lock including keys.

If your looking to avoid employees, friends, family members from duplicating your keys, GMS MX 10 secured key is your right choice at low cost.

Another way to secure better from James bond, we could install protected super strong spring to make it unpickable of coyrse when you’ll enter the key you will feel resistance.

if your still scared james bond will come and play with it its not your right choice, Medeco is.

CALL US 514-836-9097

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